Index of /pub/file_requests/R26096_113018_123018/VP12562/
2002391 - 203833 - PUBLIC - - - TEMPO_Attache..> 24-Jul-2017 08:23 498K
2032228 - 203833 - PUBLIC - SOIL VAPOR GROUNDW..> 24-Jul-2017 08:25 29M
2281368 - 203833 - PUBLIC - SOIL VAPOR GROUNDW..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 7M
2281369 - 203833 - PUBLIC - BIOREMEDIATION IMPL..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 25M
Bid, Proposal Quote - 1-15-2016 - - IN-SITU C..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 5M
Brownfield Application - 3-13-2007 - FORMER DRY..> 24-Jul-2017 08:25 210K
Corrective Action Design System Monitoring - 5-..> 24-Jul-2017 08:36 6M
Corrective Action Design System Monitoring - 5-..> 29-Nov-2018 10:17 16M
Corrective Action Design System Monitoring - 5-..> 24-Jul-2017 08:33 10M
Corrective Action Design System Monitoring - 9-..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 34K
Drycleaner Application - 1-22-2015 - FORMER DRY..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 24K
Drycleaner Application - 1-22-2015 - FORMER DRY..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 34K
Drycleaner Application - 1-23-2015 - FORMER DRY..> 24-Jul-2017 08:25 25K
Drycleaner Application - 11-10-2015 - FORMER DR..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 38K
Drycleaner Application - 11-10-2015 - FORMER DR..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 82K
Drycleaner Application - 12-11-2012 - FORMER DR..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 8M
Drycleaner Application - 2-19-2013 - FORMER DRY..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 479K
Drycleaner Application - 3-1-2012 - FORMER DRY ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 418K
Drycleaner Application - 3-1-2012 - FORMER DRY ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 56K
Drycleaner Application - 3-21-2012 - FORMER DRY..> 24-Jul-2017 08:36 7M
Drycleaner Application - 3-30-2011 - FORMER DRY..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 72K
Drycleaner Application - 4-19-2016 - FORMER DRY..> 24-Jul-2017 08:23 7M
Drycleaner Application - 5-19-2015 - FORMER DRY..> 24-Jul-2017 08:36 4M
Drycleaner Application - 5-4-2015 - FORMER DRY ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 4M
Drycleaner Application - 7-19-2011 - FORMER DRY..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 23M
Drycleaner Application - 9-28-2008 - FORMER DRY..> 24-Jul-2017 08:27 15M
Drycleaner Application - 9-28-2009 - FORMER DRY..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 3M
Hazardous Waste Determination - 7-20-2007 - FOR..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 80K
Hazardous Waste Determination - 7-20-2007 - FOR..> 24-Jul-2017 08:33 79K
Interim Response Action - 10-20-2009 - FORMER D..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 7M
Invoice - Outgoing - 1-5-2009 - - VIC PROJECT ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 30K
Invoice - Outgoing - 12-27-2007 - - VIC PROJEC..> 29-Nov-2018 10:32 50K
Invoice - Outgoing - 3-31-2008 - - VIC PROJECT..> 29-Nov-2018 10:32 50K
Invoice - Outgoing - 6-27-2008 - - MPCA PROJEC..> 24-Jul-2017 08:33 23K
Invoice - Outgoing - 6-29-2007 - - MPCA PROJEC..> 24-Jul-2017 08:25 34K
Invoice - Outgoing - 9-26-2008 - - VIC PROJECT..> 29-Nov-2018 10:32 48K
Invoice - Outgoing - 9-27-2007 - - VIC PROJECT..> 24-Jul-2017 08:33 64K
Invoice - Paid - 11-12-2015 - - FORMER DRY CLE..> 24-Jul-2017 08:25 51K
Invoice - Paid - 7-18-2017 - ROCHESTER CITY OF..> 29-Nov-2018 10:32 84K
Invoice - Paid - 9-6-2017 - ROCHESTER CITY OF ..> 29-Nov-2018 10:32 121K
Limited No Action Determination - 11-17-2008 - ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:25 231K
Monitoring Plan-Report Approval - 6-17-2013 - F..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 54K
No Association Determination - 5-3-2007 - FORME..> 24-Jul-2017 08:33 200K
Phase I Investigative Report-ESA - 12-1-2006 - ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:23 17M
Phase I Investigative Report-ESA - 12-1-2006 - ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:33 17M
Phase I Investigative Report-ESA - 12-1-2006 - ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:33 22M
Phase II Investigative Report-ESA - 12-13-2013 ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 1M
Phase II Investigative Report-ESA - 8-15-2008 -..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 940K
RAP Implementation - 6-1-2010 - FORMER DRY CLEA..> 24-Jul-2017 08:36 28M
RAP Implementation - 7-1-2008 - FORMER DRY CLEA..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 60M
Record of Decision Input - 1-30-2012 - FORMER D..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 8M
Record of Decision Input - 11-22-2011 - FORMER ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 3M
Record of Decision Input - 6-8-2015 - FORMER DR..> 24-Jul-2017 08:22 693K
Remedial Action-Design Input - 1-1-2007 - FORME..> 24-Jul-2017 08:33 309K
Remedial Action-Design Input - 1-15-2008 - FORM..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 1M
Remedial Action-Design Input - 10-1-2007 - FORM..> 29-Nov-2018 10:34 16K
Remedial Action-Design Input - 10-1-2007 - FORM..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 16K
Remedial Action-Design Input - 11-1-2007 - FORM..> 29-Nov-2018 10:34 13M
Remedial Action-Design Input - 11-1-2007 - FORM..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 13M
Remedial Action-Design Input - 11-25-2009 - FOR..> 29-Nov-2018 10:34 9M
Remedial Action-Design Input - 11-25-2009 - FOR..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 9M
Remedial Action-Design Input - 2-12-2008 - FORM..> 24-Jul-2017 08:36 442K
Remedial Action-Design Input - 2-5-2016 - FORME..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 5M
Remedial Action-Design Input - 3-12-2009 - FORM..> 24-Jul-2017 08:36 179K
Remedial Action-Design Input - 4-14-2016 - FORM..> 24-Jul-2017 08:22 179K
Remedial Action-Design Input - 4-14-2016 - FORM..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 8M
Remedial Action-Design Input - 4-20-2009 - FORM..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 8M
Remedial Action-Design Input - 4-29-2015 - FORM..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 2M
Remedial Action-Design Input - 7-1-2007 - FORME..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 505K
Remedial Action-Design Input - 7-12-2007 - FORM..> 29-Nov-2018 10:34 191K
Remedial Action-Design Input - 7-12-2007 - FORM..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 191K
Remedial Action-Design Input - 9-14-2007 - FORM..> 29-Nov-2018 10:34 140K
Remedial Action-Design Input - 9-14-2007 - FORM..> 24-Jul-2017 08:33 140K
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 1-25-2012 -..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 5M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 10-11-2010 ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:22 22M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 10-7-2011 -..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 537K
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 11-18-2011 ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 18M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 11-25-2009 ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 9M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 11-25-2009 ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:25 9M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 11-6-2014 -..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 7M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 12-11-2012 ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:25 9M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 12-11-2013 ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 8M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 12-28-2015 ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:36 18M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 2-26-2013 -..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 12M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 2-8-2010 - ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:33 8M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 2-8-2013 - ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:23 91K
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 3-12-2010 -..> 24-Jul-2017 08:25 9M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 4-22-2011 -..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 30M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 4-26-2010 -..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 7M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 4-26-2010 -..> 24-Jul-2017 08:36 7M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 4-9-2013 - ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 2M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 5-2-2012 - ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:36 1M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 6-17-2010 -..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 13M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 7-27-2015 -..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 12M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 7-31-2013 -..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 17M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 8-2-2012 - ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:36 12M
Remedial Action-System Monitoring - 8-8-2011 - ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:25 10M
Remedial-Response Action Plan Approval - 4-28-2..> 29-Nov-2018 10:39 148K
Remedial-Response Action Plan Approval - 4-28-2..> 24-Jul-2017 08:36 148K
Remedial-Response Action Plan Approval - 7-27-2..> 29-Nov-2018 10:39 221K
Remedial-Response Action Plan Approval - 7-27-2..> 24-Jul-2017 08:23 221K
Remedial-Response Action Plan Approval - 8-6-20..> 29-Nov-2018 10:39 155K
Remedial-Response Action Plan Approval - 8-6-20..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 155K
Remediation Correspondence - 4-2-2007 - FORMER ..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 570K
Response Action Plan-CCP - 3-1-2007 - FORMER DR..> 24-Jul-2017 08:33 17M
Response Action Plan-CCP - 3-30-2009 - FORMER D..> 24-Jul-2017 08:23 35M
Response Action Plan-CCP - 3-30-2009 - FORMER D..> 24-Jul-2017 08:23 35M
Response Action Plan-CCP - 3-30-2009 - FORMER D..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 35M
Response Action Plan-CCP - 3-30-2009 - FORMER D..> 24-Jul-2017 08:34 35M
Response Action Plan-CCP - 3-30-2009 - FORMER D..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 35M
Response Action Plan-CCP - 6-1-2007 - FORMER DR..> 24-Jul-2017 08:24 7M
Response Action Plan-CCP - 6-15-2007 - FORMER D..> 24-Jul-2017 08:26 5M
Response Action Plan-CCP - 7-17-2007 - FORMER D..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 11M
Response Action Plan-CCP - 9-18-2007 - FORMER D..> 24-Jul-2017 08:35 11M
Site Status Report - 1-31-2014 - FORMER DRY CLE..> 24-Jul-2017 08:33 5M
Soil Treatment Monitoring - 11-17-2008 - FORM..> 24-Jul-2017 08:22 231K