INSTRUCTIONS: Use this form to request information from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Records Management Unit. If you have any questions, please contact the MPCA Records Management Intake/Triage staff at or call 651-757-2728 or 1-844-828-0942. All fields marked with an asterisk(*) are REQUIRED to be filled in before the form will submit.
1. Complete the form and click on the “Submit” button at bottom of form to send the form to Records Management staff via OnBase workflow.
2. You will receive an automated email from OnBase once your request is assigned and then again when it is complete.
3. For multiple Information Requests: If you have five requests or less, you must fill out a separate Information Request form for each one. If you have six or more requests, you may fill out one Information Request Form and put the additional requests in the Information Requested box at the bottom of the form.
NOTE: If a requester chooses not to give any identifying information, the MPCA will provide him/her with contact information so that he/she will be able to check on the status of his/her request. However, if the agency file manager handling the request has questions about it but is unable to contact the requester for clarification, this may result in a delay in processing the request.