Index of /pub/file_requests/Freeway Landfill 5_5_2020/Pat Hanson/

Barr Reports/                                      05-May-2020 10:30       -
Sampling & Analytical/                             05-May-2020 10:33       -
2-1 to 2-5 ARAR Tables.docx                        21-Feb-2020 10:48     75K
2019-10-03 EPA comments on FFS.pdf                 10-Feb-2020 12:50     95K
2019-10-03 EPA comments on FFS_crs.pdf             21-Feb-2020 10:47    109K
Bedrock Contours (2005).pdf                        23-Feb-2015 17:31     12M
EPA Comment Letter draft.docx                      21-Feb-2020 10:32     29K
Exhibit B Soil Gas Sampling Scope - Freeway.pdf    21-Feb-2020 10:13      2M
FW  Freeway Landfill and Dump - Focused Feasibi..> 21-Feb-2020 11:02    128K
FW  Freeway Landfill and Dump - Focused Remedia..> 21-Feb-2020 10:55    167K
FW  Gas Probe sampling results at US Salt 2 14 ..> 13-Feb-2020 14:35     32K
FW  MNDOT Phase Two Investigation Report for 35..> 13-Feb-2020 14:35      8M
Figure 1 - Proposed Soil Gas.pdf                   21-Feb-2020 10:29      2M
Focused RI_revised.docx                            21-Feb-2020 11:02    240K
Focused Remedial Investigation Report_compare.docx 21-Feb-2020 11:02    273K
For Review  Revised Freeway RI Text.msg            21-Feb-2020 10:47    465K
Freeway 5 16 18 Field notes.msg                    21-Feb-2020 11:35    148K
Freeway 9 20 17 Field notes.msg                    21-Feb-2020 11:35    138K
Freeway EPA Response letter Nov 2019.docx          10-Feb-2020 12:45     20K
Freeway FFS_crs.docx                               21-Feb-2020 10:46    208K
Freeway FFS_v3.docx                                21-Feb-2020 10:49    206K
Freeway LF RIFS comments.msg                       13-Feb-2020 14:33    261K
Freeway Landfill and Dump - Focused Feasibility..> 21-Feb-2020 11:02    120K
Freeway Property Value.msg                         21-Feb-2020 13:49     61K
Freeway RE  Gas Survey Investigation at Freeway..> 21-Feb-2020 09:39    225K
Freeway RI and FFS.msg                             13-Feb-2020 14:34     76K
Freeway Soil Gas.docx                              21-Feb-2020 10:29     19K
Fuller Report - 7-25-2005 - SUBSURFACE BORING R..> 07-Sep-2017 10:39      7M
GHG EPA Letter.pdf                                 21-Feb-2020 11:55     89K
MPCA Freeway Landfill - 02-04-20 Sub-Slab Soil ..> 21-Feb-2020 09:30      5M
MPCA Freeway Landfill - 03-29-19 Soil (10468888..> 21-Feb-2020 11:12      1M
MPCA Freeway Landfill - 04-01-19 Soil Gas (1046..> 21-Feb-2020 11:12    532K
MPCA Freeway Landfill - 04-02-19 Soil (10469445..> 21-Feb-2020 11:12      4M
MPCA Freeway Landfill - 09-16-19 (10491621).msg    21-Feb-2020 10:41    135K
MPCA Freeway Landfill - 09-17-19 (10491761).msg    21-Feb-2020 10:39      1M
MPCA Freeway Landfill - 09-18-19 (10491938).msg    21-Feb-2020 10:39      2M
MPCA Freeway Landfill - 09-19-19 (10492169).msg    21-Feb-2020 10:41      1M
MPCA Freeway Landfill - 09-23-19 (10492555).msg    21-Feb-2020 10:39      1M
MPCA Freeway Landfill - 09-24-19 (10492694).msg    21-Feb-2020 10:40      1M
MPCA Freeway Landfill - 09-25-19 (10492903).msg    21-Feb-2020 10:39      2M
MPCA Freeway Landfill - 09-26-19 (10493113).msg    21-Feb-2020 10:39      2M
MPCA Freeway Landfill Bedrock lab data.msg         21-Feb-2020 11:10      5M
MPCA Freeway Landfill Waste Material lab report..> 21-Feb-2020 11:10      4M
MPCA Freeway Lanfill Dump Project COCs (2).msg     21-Feb-2020 11:15      1M
MethaneConc.jpg                                    25-Feb-2015 17:15      2M
RE  For Review  Revised Freeway FFS Text.msg       21-Feb-2020 10:47    480K
RE  For Review  Revised Freeway RI Text.msg        21-Feb-2020 10:47    160K
RE  Freeway - Revised RI for Review.msg            21-Feb-2020 10:58    157K
RE  Freeway Call.msg                               21-Feb-2020 11:03    154K
RE  Freeway FFS.msg                                13-Feb-2020 14:25    168K
RE  Freeway Gas Sampling.msg                       21-Feb-2020 09:44    323K
RE  Freeway Landfill Final Focus Feasibility St..> 21-Feb-2020 11:01    109K
RE  Freeway Landfill and Dump - Focused Feasibi..> 13-Feb-2020 14:32    148K
RE  Freeway Property Value.msg                     21-Feb-2020 13:48    680K
RE  Freeway RI and FFS.msg                         21-Feb-2020 10:37    109K
RE  Freeway Reports.msg                            21-Feb-2020 10:40    159K
RE  Gas Probe sampling results at US Salt 2 14 ..> 13-Feb-2020 14:28     71K
RE  Kraemer Sampling Points.msg                    21-Feb-2020 11:25    150K
RE  Kraemer Sampling.msg                           21-Feb-2020 11:23    461K
RE  Letter Request to EPA (1).msg                  21-Feb-2020 10:15     91K
RE  Letter Request to EPA.msg                      21-Feb-2020 10:26    141K
RE  Property Appraisal.msg                         21-Feb-2020 10:41    193K
RE  Quick Call Form.msg                            21-Feb-2020 10:11    100K
RE  Slide for Public Meeting.msg                   21-Feb-2020 09:36      3M
RE  Work Plan Request-Freeway Vapor Intrusion.msg  21-Feb-2020 10:14    231K
Re  Appraisal.msg                                  21-Feb-2020 10:24     98K
Re  February 4th Vapor Investigation Results.msg   21-Feb-2020 09:39    166K
Re  Freeway Landfill - Waste to Energy option .msg 21-Feb-2020 11:28    114K
Re  Gas Survey Investigation at Freeway Landfil..> 21-Feb-2020 09:54    185K
Re  MPCA Freeway Landfill - 09-16-19 (10491621)..> 21-Feb-2020 10:41      1M
Re  Questions from Pace for Phase B Investigati..> 21-Feb-2020 11:16    232K
Revised Freeway page.msg                           21-Feb-2020 11:00    175K
Soil Gas Sampling Scope - Freeway.pdf              21-Feb-2020 10:29      2M
clp_field_notes_Freeway_11_14_17.docx              21-Feb-2020 11:35     63K
clp_field_notes_Freeway_2_14_18.docx               21-Feb-2020 11:35     64K
clp_field_notes_Freeway_7_17_18.docx               21-Feb-2020 11:31     65K
clp_field_notes_Freeway_7_18_19.docx               21-Feb-2020 11:06     64K
draft-1 Freeway EPA Response letter Nov 2019.docx  21-Feb-2020 10:26     20K
freeway pa.msg                                     21-Feb-2020 13:56     86K
https.docx                                         13-Feb-2020 09:38     11K
~$adt-1 Freeway EPA Response letter Nov 2019.docx  21-Feb-2020 16:21     162